Monday, December 15, 2014

Smokers Can Qualify for Life Insurance Without Taking A Medical Examination!

Smoking will have a negative effect on life insurance prices. Clients who smoke will have to pay more for a life insurance policy. Smokers who have health problems may not be able to qualify for life coverage.
No medical exam life insurance plans may be the best option for clients who smoke. Smokers can qualify without taking a medical examination. They will have to complete a single medical questionnaire.
Comparing quotes is the best option for finding affordable plans. Clients can compare life insurance quotes online and for free. is an online provider of life, home, health, and auto insurance quotes. This website is unique because it does not simply stick to one kind of insurance provider, but brings the clients the best deals from many different online insurance carriers. In this way, clients have access to offers from multiple carriers all in one place: this website. On this site, customers have access to quotes for insurance plans from various agencies, such as local or nationwide agencies, brand names insurance companies, etc. is owned by Internet Marketing Company.
For more information, please visit
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Saturday, December 13, 2014

The ins and outs of today's insurance prices

Let's face it – nobody enjoys writing a check to their auto insurance company. The same goes for that chunk of funds that gets taken out of your paycheck to pay for your health insurance. We could all imagine spending that money one hundred ways other than on insurance. However, if you have ever been in a severe car accident, or had an emergency appendectomy, you realize the importance of insurance. Without insurance, incidents like these could easily cost you tens of thousands of dollars and have a negative impact on your financial situation for many years to come.
A number of residents have recently contacted our Consumer Services division to express their frustration about rate increases. I would like to explain my role as Insurance Commissioner and the role the Department of Insurance (DOI) plays in regulating the insurance market in Delaware.
DOI exists to regulate the state's insurance market, protect consumers, and ensure that the insurance carriers who operate in our state are able to generate enough income to remain solvent and pay claims when claims come due. It is my duty as the Insurance Commissioner to strike a balance between protecting consumers and ensuring that the insurance companies are able to operate a stable business model. When insurance companies see that Delaware provides a fair and balanced approach to regulating the insurance markets, it attracts and retains good companies that compete for your business.
Here's how the process works when an insurance company seeks to increase its rates: According to Delaware law, companies may not charge rates that are "excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory." Insurers submit rate filings with supporting data to DOI for review. A rate filing might request an increase, or sometimes a decrease. Generally, insurance rates tend to rise at least a few percentage points from one year to the next simply because the cost of making repairs to automobiles or the cost of administering medical care tends to rise over time. Medical care costs in Delaware particularly have surged over the last few years.
My staff at DOI reviews the rate filings and our own actuaries review the supporting data to see if the rate change is justified by the circumstances. Before making a decision on rate changes, I review all of the data submitted by the insurance carrier and the reports from my actuaries and staff. After careful consideration, and sometimes discussion of alternatives with the insurer, I then approve or deny the request. I keep the residents of Delaware in mind as I go through every step in this process because I know that the numbers I'm reviewing will have a direct impact on the wallets and pocketbooks of tens of thousands of individuals.
The rate I approve is a base rate; when computing the actual cost of your auto, home or life insurance coverage, insurers may consider individual factors like driving history, distance to a fire station, or tobacco use.
How exactly do the insurance companies come up with the rate requests that they submit? The various insurance sectors (life, health, auto, home, etc.) use complex formulas to predict future costs. Insurers consider data from past claims and other state-specific factors, such as state-required minimum levels of coverage, the percentage of uninsured drivers, the likelihood of severe weather that can cause accidents or damage buildings, the state's legal climate, and the level of competition among insurance companies.
What can you do to keep your rates low? The most important thing to do is to shop around and compare prices. NerdWallet, a consumer finance website, found that drivers can save as much as 32 percent on their auto insurance by comparing prices and shopping for insurance. We all shop for the best prices on food, clothing, cars and other necessities – insurance should be no different.
(If you have any questions about your levels of insurance coverage, or to see a breakdown of the costs that make up your premium, contact your insurance agent/broker or HR department. If they are unable to help you please call our Consumer Services division at 1-800-282-8611 or utilize the resources on

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Millions are Losing Their Health Insurance

"If you like your health insurance you can keep it," Barack Obama promised the voters on many occasions.
About 20,000 part-time employees of Home Depot recently found out how false that promise is. The company announced that it is ending its health insurance coverage for its employees and sending them to the new health insurance exchanges.
They will be joined by employees of McDonald's, Disney, CVS Caremark, Staples, Blockbuster, and many others.
A lot of these employers have mini med plans with limited coverage. McDonald's, for example, has a plan that limits health insurance benefit to $2,000 but gives employees the option to pay a higher premium and get $3,000 or $4,000 of coverage. At Home Depot, the coverage reaches $5,000. The state of Tennessee, under TennCare, used mini med plans with a $25,000 annual cap on benefits.
Mini med plans typically have no deductible. They usually charge a modest copayment for physician visits and drugs. But if a McDonald's employee goes into a hospital, the co-insurance rate is 30% and the plan's benefit cap will probably be blown right through after the first 30 minutes of admission.
These plans are being abolished under ObamaCare and if the employees end up in one of the new health insurance exchanges they will get subsidized insurance that will look very different. For one thing, the premium the employee pays will double and for many it will more than double. Then they will face, say, a $1,500 deductible for individual coverage. Surprisingly, if the employee goes into a hospital he faces a 20% copayment (comparable to the mini med plans!), but the total out of pocket exposure is limited to $2,250.
Now, which of these plans is better? For the orthodox health policy community, this isn't even a serious question. That's because they live in neighborhoods and associate with people who would never even consider buying mini med coverage. And, remember, imposing one's worldview on others is 90% of what liberalism is all about.
But would you be surprised to learn that there are many people who would find the mini med plan more attractive?
Let's begin by asking why anyone wants insurance. In every other field, the answer is obvious. Insurance protects assets. Life insurance protects the value of human capital. Fire and casualty insurance protects homes, cars and other structures. People are willing to pay a premium to transfer the risk of a financial catastrophe to others. The same should be true in health care as well. Health insurance is a way of protecting one's financial resources against the expense of a catastrophic illness.
But if you don't own a house, you have no need for homeowners insurance. If you don't own a car, you have no need for auto casualty insurance. Similarly, if you have no assets at all (other than your human capital) why would you want health insurance?
For low and moderate income households, the reason why mini med plans are attractive seems to be this: People living paycheck to paycheck have trouble maintaining a reserve for unexpected medical expenses. So as an alternative to personal savings and higher wages, they appear to be willing to take less in take home pay in return for a modest amount of health insurance.
Okay, all that is rational. But what would be irrational is to buy a health insurance plan with an unlimited benefit ? one that, say, is able to pay a $1 million medical bill. Why would you buy a million dollars' worth of coverage, if you don't have a million dollars of assets to protect?
In the modern era, a perverse idea seems to have dominated the health policy community. The idea is that the purpose of health insurance is not to protect assets. It is to provide access to health care.
That might make some sense if it were really true. But the fact is that we have made it extremely easy in this country to obtain health insurance after you get sick. More than 90% of all the people with health insurance are in a plan that cannot deny them admission because of a health condition. For the elderly and the poor, it's 100%. In saying what I am about to say, let me preface by saying that I am aware that there are many very, very bad studies claiming that health insurance saves lives, improves health, etc. But when serious scholars have looked at this question, the reasons to think that health insurance affects mortality or health status are few. If health insurance affects health at all, the effect is marginal.
So, back to the original question. If you are making say, $15, $20 or $25 an hour, the ObamaCare plan is unlikely to look very attractive. Yes, it provides catastrophic insurance, which the mini med plan does not. But if you have a catastrophic medical event without ObamaCare insurance, odds are that you will be able to rely on the social safety net ? uncompensated care or even Medicaid. And if that doesn't work, odds are that you or a member of your family will be able to sign up for an employer plan that pays full expenses.
People with modest incomes are going to need help from others if they have a catastrophic medical event. What's the best way of getting help? Is it by obtaining subsidized health insurance with high deductibles and high out-of-pocket payments? Or is it through obtaining help to pay medical bills after the event occurs?
Ironically, the very people that ObamaCare is designed to help may be the ones most hurt by its enactment.
But I am open to the possibility that I am wrong. So let's entertain a market test. Instead of abolishing mini med plans, let people choose between those plans and ObamaCare's mandated benefits. Let's give people what they want.